black german shepherd

Discover Rare Black German Shepherd: Unique Traits and Rising Popularity

German Shepherds are easily identified. You most likely know exactly what a German Shepherd looks like, even if you have never owned one. The black German Shepherd is far less well-known, though. The majority of the main kennel clubs do not currently recognise this hue, which makes it highly rare.

According to the AKC, the German Shepherd breed as a whole is currently regarded as the second most popular dog in the country. Because of their ties to Germany, they had a slight downturn following World War II. However, their popularity has increased tremendously since then.

German Shepherds often have a single black and brown coat pattern. But there are German Shepherds that are completely black. Purebred German Shepherds carry the gene for entirely black coats, so this is not the result of crossbreeding. However, it is far less common than the typical colouring. Even though they are unable to compete in dog shows, they are extremely pricey and in high demand.

black german shepherd

Black German Shepherd History

The European generalised herding dogs had separated into several distinct breeds by 1859, one of which was the German Shepherd. In an attempt to standardise dog breeds in the 1850s, characteristics like speed, strength, endurance, and intelligence were promoted as they were beneficial for sheep herding.

Varieties did, however, still exist between locations. Shepherds have been slightly diverse due to modest differences in breeding.

Sheepdog usage declined during the Industrial Revolution as the number of predators declined. Simply put, a lot of people had stopped keeping sheep, and those who had didn’t require a large number of dogs to do so. Fortunately, by now people knew of the intelligence and prowess of the earlier herding dogs. The German shepherd breed was regarded as the “ideal working dog.”It wasn’t until 1899 that the first German Shepherd was seen when a man by the name of Von Stephanitz bought a dog named Horand von Grafrath. Honrand served as the primary poster dog for the newly established Society for German Shepherd Dogs. This dog helped to shape the breed standard. The German Shepherd became one of the most common breeds in the world in a matter of generations.

Honrand gave birth to several pups. Today, almost all German Shepherds can be traced back to him. To create the modern German Shepherd breed, a great deal of inbreeding took place. For example, Honrad bred a lot of his puppies together.

black german shepherd

Black German Shepherd Size

Many of the physical traits of other German Shepherds are also present in black German Shepherds. They grow to be almost the same size as a purebred German Shepherd and share a similar structure.

Typically, females weigh 50 to 75 pounds, and males weigh 65 to 90 pounds. Before adopting one, make sure you have the room because these are medium-to-large canines. Before adopting one of these dogs, many people don’t realise how big they are, and then they start to regret their choice.

black german shepherd

They stand between 22 and 26 inches tall. This holds for both sexes equally. Although their heights tend to be similar, the males are larger.

German Shepherds that are black are entirely black. The majority of German Shepherds have some black on them at all. On the other hand, German Shepherds are all black. If their colouring differs, their coats are essentially the same. They stay warm and clean thanks to their double coat. These dogs are made for work, and it demonstrates that they are working dogs.

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Black German Shepherd Temperament

The Black German Shepherd, like other dogs, will flourish with early and regular socialization with animals and humans of all ages. Although they are affectionate and amiable by nature, it could take some time to warm up to new people. However, they are immensely devoted and loyal to every member of their families!

The Black GSD is just one of many working dogs that genuinely like their jobs. As a house pet, your Shepherd will probably take on a new role in which he will defend and protect the family. The Black German Shepherd is always on the lookout for any activity in or around the house because of its adorable, attentive ears. To be honest, he won’t be pleased if you disappear for an extended period.This breed of dog is best suited for households with children who are home most of the day, or most of the day at least. Long-term loneliness can cause separation anxiety in Black German Shepherds. Excessive barking and other damaging behaviours may result from this loneliness.

It will also assist if you are not a first-time pet parent, or if you have owned huge dogs in the past. All German Shepherds are big, strong dogs who need a lot of activity to stay out of bad habits. Families that comprehend and cater to their requirements will be the ones that thrive.

black german shepherd

Black German Shepherd Training

It takes a level-headed attitude and little time for foolishness to train a German Shepherd. In essence, demonstrate to them what you want done, assist them in learning how to execute it, and then take a step back. They are an unflappable breed.

German Shepherds can be divided into two categories: working lines and show lines, and between American show lines and German show lines, also known as Sieger dogs.

These breedings have deviated from the plan from the beginning. The dogs are overly large and heavy. Around the working lines, I would rather see more medium-sized GSDs.

Black German shepherd

German Shepherds are among the most incredible canines because of their unwavering devotion to their owners, love of training regimens, and need for social engagement.

Though useful, hiring a professional trainer is not required for training a bichon poodle because they are reasonably easy to train.

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Black German Shepherd Health and Care

Black German Shepherds are more likely to experience certain health issues. It’s not that entirely black dogs have a higher risk of developing health problems—these are identical to the German Shepherds that are black and tan.

Hip and elbow dysplasia are common in German Shepherds. This disease is brought on by excessive wear and strain. This eventually results in symptoms similar to arthritis, but far sooner than arthritis usually manifests itself. Typically, this harm happens when the dog is still growing as a puppy, but symptoms can not appear for several years.

There are a few steps dog owners may take to lessen their German Shepherd’s risk of developing hip and elbow dysplasia. Typically, this harm happens when the dog is still growing as a puppy, but symptoms can not appear for several years.

black german shepherd

Since the increased calorie intake during puppyhood may cause the dog’s hip joint to expand at an extraordinary rate, overfeeding is a known cause of hip dysplasia in dogs. Forcible exercise is not advised, especially for pups, as it can have a significant negative impact on your dog’s hip joint if they exercise excessively.

Degenerative spinal stenosis also affects a large number of these dogs. According to one study, for example, as many as 45% of adult German Shepherds had this disease.

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Black German Shepherd Grooming

The type of coat on your black German Shepherd will determine how much maintenance it requires Dogs with medium coats only require brushing two or three times per week. This cleans the dog’s coat of dust and debris and helps avoid tangles.

To avoid matting, long coats must be combed through at least once a day. If not, your dog’s coat will grow superfluously tangled and may require professional grooming assistance.

Dogs with double coats shed a lot, regardless of the type of coat. If you cannot handle a lot of excess hair, do not acquire a black German Shepherd. Your dog will still shed everywhere, even if you brush them every day. 

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Black German Shepherd Food and Diet

Establishing and maintaining a regular feeding schedule as soon as you bring your puppy home may help prevent this. A little dog, for instance, could need roughly 2,500 calories a day, divided into four meals. Feeding food designed especially for giant-breed puppies is the best option.

After around six months, you can cut back to two or three meals a day. You can eventually transition your adult Black German Shepherd to a large-breed adult blend as he grows older. 

The best homes for black German Shepherds are ones that encourage activity. Your GSD has to exercise vigorously for at least an hour every day because they are a huge working breed. Howbestey will most likely flourish after two hours. If you live in a city where there aren’t many open spaces for strolling, this is a major commitment. German Shepherds as a whole like swimming, running, hiking, and intellectual games that may keep them occupied for hours. This explains why the military and law enforcement greatly favour them. German Shepherds that are black are the same. They are highly intelligent and active, and if they aren’t kept amused, they may get into problems. When determining whether or not to include a GSD in your

black german shepherd

Learn More About German Shepherd here


The black coat is not an illusion. As charming as the regular breed, black German Shepherds are wonderful companions. They will defend their owners’ property if they feel threatened because they are devoted to and protective of them.

In the United States, German Shepherds are quite popular. Locating a typical German Shepherd breeder in your area shouldn’t be too tough. Still, not every breeder has black dogs. To adopt a puppy, you’ll frequently need to locate a person who specialises in black German Shepherds.

You should anticipate that these canines won’t be readily available regularly because they are far rarer than the typical. Because they are rare, most will also cost a lot more than a German Shepherd in black and tan. Due to the high demand for black German Shepherds, you frequently need to budget a little bit more. The demand just cannot be met by the supply.

A Black German Shepherd puppy, for instance, is probably going to cost between $700 and $2000, whereas a traditional Shepherd puppy might cost anywhere from $300 to $700, depending on the breeder.

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